The MMO-Champion Scoop

30 December 2011

The December 2011 Experience

It has been horrible.

Owait, this refers to my personal life. It also refers to the "technicalities" of said life. I am so happy that I have found the girl of my dreams, possible "the one". But that's just about it. Struggles in work, financial and all that jazz really makes it tough to keep up with the times, especially also with an expensive game such as WoW.

Game-wise, I am surprisingly pleased with LFR. It is a game-changer so to speak. While it makes missing your normal raids tolerable, if you are competitive and have that burning desire to achieve, it is nowhere near as close to the real thing, the real thing being the normal raid groups that you usually conduct prior to LFR.

I am also pleased with the theorycrafting that has been going on. Everything may seem "trivial" by referring to Elitist Jerks or whatnot, but with the current weapons and set bonuses, there are just those little tweaks that will spell normal high dps, to exceptional. And you do not need math for this, just simple commonsense. Why do I say this? It is simple. EJ always refers to the "perfect scenario". Always, always apply your own personal conditions, tendencies, margins of error and you will figure out another suitable scenario for your DK. I am currently wearing all Tier 13 gear, not by choice of course, but I have to live with it while we all hunt for our BiS.

Will be posting more soon, on addons, or what-have-you. :)

I do hope you enjoyed your Christmas! Cheers!

06 December 2011

I'm Back

Greetings fellow readers, passers-by and what-have-you!

I am back after a long hiatus due to some heavy studying, work and the recent Bar examinations. It has been hell, but this is also quite an interesting experience for me. The priority would be to get back into the groove with this game I love, and to juggle my real life obligations as well.

It is not so good for me financially, but I am getting by. This of course has an impact with raid schedules and whatnot. Most of the people do not understand the preparation and focus that we, as gamers try to execute when it comes to games. To me, it is good practice, as everything we do in this game applies to real life. The real challenge has always been to strike a balance between fantasy and reality.

Whichever you do, whatever that may be, take it as a learning experience. And if you do absorb whatever experiences you do have with a video game or whatnot, they are somewhat applicable in real life. Naturally, if you expect them to be completely compatible, yes, you are then a nub. :)

So more things to come! Patch 4.3 is only a week old and a lot of guilds are 8/8. So based from the new features, it would seem that heroics is truly where its at. Happy hunting people!