The MMO-Champion Scoop

27 April 2011

4.1 Hotfix

Death Knights:

- Runes will no longer be regenerating erratically.


Really? It better not be our little "buffs".

Happy gaming people.

I am going to have a massage date with my girl. Too bad I will not be able to experience content any time today. I am extremely happy though with the new system 4.1 had implemented. That means I can Random binge tomorrow and save me the trouble of having to play every day just to cover my raid obligations. At least I can set aside a day or two for that, and the rest, simply just for fun. Awesome stuff.

Hope you all are having fun today with the new patch. My UI is still crap but my latency is better. That is a huge relief. If you know any good UIs, please let me know lol

A little old school music for you guys. I cannot believe this can be considered "old school" already with so many crap songs out there.

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