The MMO-Champion Scoop

04 May 2011

So Little Time

So much to do.

I love that song. Classic.

Yes folks, it has been a productive start of my formal study sessions that commenced this first week of May. This will last up to October. Yes, this is HARDCORE RAIDING, in a bookworm and nerd sense. It is even worse, I do it, and will probably do it for more than five (5) days a week, eight (8) hours a day. Yes. It is no picnic. If you do have ambitions to be the best, no matter if you reach that goal, you still have to work like you are the boss.

This gamer indeed plans to be a lawyer. Ouch.

On a more related note, it will require awesome time management. I want to maintain my studies at a high level, without getting burnt out. Right now, I am still considered raiding, although I got sick last raid day, so meh. Based from how I am studying though, it seems like raiding will get in the way, so I am honestly confused as to what I have to do. Also, I have been hooked with NBA 2k11 (late I know) and it's been really so much fun and a stress reliever. AS of late, while I still enjoy WoW, it has become a pseudo job and I am not getting compensated for it, which really sucks.

So how does one solve this predicament? Simple. I just told myself that WoW is better than NBA 2k11 because you still progress in-game, and get recognized by your peers, and you genuinely feel the progression. If you have the chance to share it with other gamers why not? In a single-player game, you only have yourself to celebrate to and with, which of course is not the recommended way to... well... celebrate. /loser

SO the message is:


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