The MMO-Champion Scoop

18 April 2011

A blog about a casual raiding and whatnot in the game as a Death Knight


This is a test post. I have made this blog for all Death Knights that are looking for some relaxation from all the intense research about how to improve their class, or to simply check another site regarding Death Knights.

This is Scherbatsky reporting from Caelestrasz. I do play World of Warcraft and raid with a great bunch of guys in the guild Epitaph. I have been here for almost a year, and so far so good.

Unfortunately, I am also busy in real life. It is all but easy for me to juggle playing time and work, and other obligations as well. If you are searching for a blog that caters to the everyday person, yet strives to be the best at the game, but gets frustrated because of real life obligations, this is for you!

Naturally, there are more detailed databases for Death Knights, but this is not the aim of this blog. The aim is to synthesize the information and make it apply to the person actually testing it out. This will mean that all posts will be based on my experience. Perhaps it works for me and increases my DPS, but it may not for you. Heck, even if they have all the math right in Elitist Jerks or whichever site, sometimes, they just do not work out for you. So this will be the place where you can find another opinion without all the fuss of sifting through all the posts from their sites.

I do plan to also implement a casual approach in this blog (that is redundant). This will involve anything and everything under the sun. Of course as much as possible it will be relevant to the game, or how to adjust things for the game, but it should also be the other way around. If you are playing the game for more than twelve (12) hours a day, that is a big problem you must solve. Playing more than five (5) hours a day, if you are not self-employed or retired, is also a problem. Please, do not waste your time doing so. This does not apply on your rest days or weekends of course.

So here is the first post, I do hope to share and make this blog a fruitful and great experience for you all. It is nothing grand, nor am I the leet DK, but it is a start to either amuse yourself or facepalm at it.

Enjoy your day!

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