The MMO-Champion Scoop

25 April 2011

Job Opportunities

To summarize, one's curriculum vitae (or resume, but I do not know how to do the e thing) must be simple, concise, information-filled. If you can compress it to one page, go do it.

In a nutshell, I did my resume like this:

- Contact Information
- General Qualifications (for the position you want)
- Education
- Training
- Work Experience
- Literary Works
- Interests

Now, you would probably swap training and work experience depending on your strength. I do not have a lot of work experience so I have to show that I am capable of learning. As a future lawyer, yes that will be key.

Screw literary works if you do not have it. I simply mentioned my dissertation and whatnot. Interests will be KEY. They will look onto this as well. I do not have a term for it, but from experience I usually look at the first and last page. Same with people who are so bored with resumes as they are always burdened by it. Make it interesting enough, without trying too hard.

Good luck, future employed people.

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