The MMO-Champion Scoop

04 June 2011

The Early Morning Rant

So I was on my home, after having a blast with friends.

It was late, and I did expect to see some light when I arrive home, however this was not the case.

I live far from where I celebrated a friend's birthday party, so upon leaving I already saw little light.

In this country, on summer time, the sun rises early, around 5:20 a.m. would sound reasonable, as compared to the "ber" months, which is significantly later.

This time around, 4:40 a.m., and there was light. WTH.

By the time I was near my place, it already seemed like 6:00 a.m. or later when it was actually an hour earlier. I really get OC and frustrated when I get home and there's already light. Irritating.

I have tons of stuff to read, a raid to participate on (which I am hoping to sit out of so I can read more) and other tasks to be fulfilled. Ugh.

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