The MMO-Champion Scoop

30 May 2011

Heroic Atra

Since we are doing this now, might as well post up a video for those curious or those also in the same boss as we are. Credit of course goes to Tankspot for this video. :)

29 May 2011

Out of Town Blues

Well, I had another weekend blast.

Had fun trekking and all that jazz with friends and family.

The only bad thing was I had everything scheduled, study time, vacation time, including raid time. However, due to things like massive vehicle congestion at the place we stayed in, it took us forever (meaning the entire raid session) to just get out of the area and speed our way back to our homes.

Cheers for missing one of the better raids by wiping Cho'gall's face on the floor. Heroic Halfus must be jealous.

25 May 2011

So many changes ack!

Okay, please refer to MMO for those updates, there are just too many.

To summarize:

- Current Cata Raid Instances will be nerfed
- DKs will be nerfed (Not warriors); Hungering Cold now has a 1.5s Cast Time
- Dodge will not benefit from Agi
- And tons of QQ

Oh well. I am not really for QQing, but my class in my opinion was already in a good place. Now with so many nerfs, BECAUSE OF PVP, is what makes it frustrating. I just hope we do not go back to our crap DPS before 4.1.

So get your raid content cleared before the nerfs so you can say you have actually done them :)

24 May 2011

EpiCasuals take on Nefarian

Great job EpiCasuals!

Pardon the language at times. Good job Serethena on the making of the video and posting it. Nice quality.

22 May 2011

Some hotfixes and the Quest for Zin'rokh

We were one of the few classes that got a nerfbat. Damn. It is not that significant, but a nerf nonetheless.

As of 19 May 2011

  • Howling Blast has been reduced by approximately 8-9%
  • Obliterate has been reduced from 160% to 150% base weapon damage
  • Necrotic Strike's AP coefficient has been reduced from 0.75 to 0.7.
Oh well.

There have been "shadowfrost" builds available that will focus more on Howling Blasts. In my opinion, I do not think it will do you any good really unless you are mainly on multiple targets. The nerf, while it will be felt, is not significant to actually change everything or respec entirely. I have a fellow DK in the raid team that rolls with the pre 4.1 DK dps priorities and spec and all that jazz and he's doing fine. From experience, you will feel the Haste advantage kick in once you break the 70% mark (or around 1500 haste) before you actually see significant gains. It can get frustrating really.

Hopefully, I do get the Arch sword. Just to simply avoid loot drama on Nefarian if ever it does occur. I am not a loot whore, but I do know when I deserve things, but it also does not count out other people that deserve it. And I always think being in the game only for raids and almost for nothing else, it will benefit my fellow raider as they are on more often. So if I can my hands on the Arch sword, then I have my BiS. Pretty much the same as the Ashkandi. Yummy weapon speed.

15 May 2011

Capping is not everything

Yes folks, while we have all heard about Hit Caps, Expertise Caps or what-have-you-caps, it is not an exact science. You have to look at the overall picture, similar to raid awareness.

Okay, here's how it goes, if you compute things here or there, you will eventually figure out that the "best" stat allocation that you will achieve with your current gear setup (that is not BiS of course) will usually mess up with your caps. An example would be your Hit being at 7.95% or Expertise at 25. Basically, it is weighing whether the DPS loss is worth the trouble, or which has the more DPS loss, Hit cap of 8.50% or 7.95%? These little tweaks drive me nuts.

I want them to be CAPPED. But that will not happen all the time. So do not worry about it.

If you also check the top raiders in the game, you will see their percentages or statistical allocations are very precise, but does not necessarily go with stereotypical caps.

Eventually, with some practice, you will indeed be able to recognize these without any mathematical application. It can result in commonsense. Too much of one thing is crap, but if you are able to almost maximize two statistics, but barely reaching the cap, which do you think would be more beneficial?

The application is precise, as it will depend on the class you are playing as well. Know your class, and you will be able to take risks or laugh at people that think you are fail because you are not so-called "capped".

Do not be fooled, the pros know better... which is not myself, but those real pros out there.

Have a good night everyone.

12 May 2011

4.1 Hotfixes 11 May 2011, among other things

Yes, please check the left part of this blog for the updated feeds on Blizzard forums. Cheers!

In relation to WoW losing more and more subscribers, I am also in that burnout phase or in limbo.

I think it is really about being able to do so many things, and it can be repetitive most of the time. I do want an alt that I can play, that will earn me gold, that will shift some pressure off my gaming (as sometimes your main can be toxic) and chill.

So like my study schedule, I will be drafting a plan as well for my gaming, as I have very limited time to play the game. This will keep things interesting and will not burn myself out (I hope). I believe it will not for several reasons:

1. I have no idea of what other game to play, or do I have time (NBA 2k11 is already awesome enough for now)
2. I cannot think of any other game that persists and evolves as we do (even if it is crap at times)
3. Familiarity makes it less time-consuming and fun

Being familiar with the game, playing it for a little over two years (I think), all you have to do is try to set up your little empire and everything will fix itself. Since everything's organized, you have plans for your toons, you know what to do already the next time you log on. If you plan this, things will be seamless and more fun. At least once you have that free time, you know exactly what to do.

Another source of my burnout naturally, would be that I have very high standards for myself, it is a game first and foremost, and this much I should not forget.

Play on, playah. She'donk!

10 May 2011

WoW loses 600k Subscribers, my 2c.

I have read in MMO-Champion this article. It had said that the decline was faster as compared to other expansions. They also said that it was not a surprise.

I agree.

I started off Wrath, and I had tons of fun. Right now in Cataclysm, I am not having that much of a blast. I certainly welcomed the challenge that came with it, but now it gets tedious.

I honestly think that the knock on having such an awesome expansion is that there are just so much stuff that you can possibly do, and you have no idea where to start. They have made the game so accessible and fluid, but they did provide TONS, yes, TONS OF OPTIONS or roads that will make you enjoy the game. I would rather they focus on fixing and improving their latency on this side of the globe, before actually adding more options.

Based from observation, I have seen several veterans retire, RL friends leave, and us that remain, do not feel as pumped to actually raid. I do not think my love for the game had actually wavered. I just think I get stressed by not knowing where to start, how to go about it, when I only have so little time to play the game. I have so much raid rust I need to practice, okay, what about dailies? What about TB, BGs, Arena? What about making yourself some money by having an alt that you will fall in love with (and I have not fallen in love with any other toon which hampers my earning capacity).

I am a loyal gamer to my toon, but I do need a money-maker, and I cannot get myself to play an alt for a long, long time. It is not because I do not want to. Heck, I am finding reasons to actually log off my main and try to do something else, but I just do not know what class will make me as comfortable as DKs. First time I saw and heard DKs, I was in. I played the game for this class (well, from persuasive friends as well). I started it, leveled it, goLinkt good in it, and I never looked back. But I still need that other toon. Investing on the raiding aspect and such will burn you out. You need a break in-game as well. Ironic.

That's it for now. Not surprising, I myself have thought about taking a break, and already have "semi" taken a break. I just want laid-back chillin' like a villain smashing stuff.

Chill with this instead:

08 May 2011

Review for Tools: Mr. Robot!

Do you crunch numbers, refuse to or cringe at the very sight of them?

Would you rather "enjoy" the game, and still be good?

Well, you have Mr. Robot!

This is a good theorycrafting site for those WoW aficionados that want the best out of their gear. What I personally like about this site is that it computes stuff for you, based on your current gear, and what it can be improved on. Also, upon cross-referencing its BiS with other sites, it is different, which keeps your creative juices flowing.

I subscribe to the theory that "your current gear is your BiS". True. While we all have to attain a certain set of gear to really be good, you also will have to take note that it is up to on how to juggle those stats and which gear to attain that is the easiest for you.

The problem I see, well, theorized with BiS setups is that while you try to achieve such, when you are in the middle of such process, everything else is broken. This simply means that you may even be underachieving, had you not changed this better piece for your crap piece, due to the difference in stat allocation. Please do take note of this.

Hope this stirs up the theorycrafting in you as well. Please do not look to your sites with BiS lists as unquestionable orders of God. They are definitely not. And adjust accordingly depending on your raid progression. Trying to get a weapon drop from Nefarian as BiS when you have been failing at trash is not practicable. Try to get something else.

And if you have other sites please let me know! Let us all share the wealth of information all over.

The Extra-Terrestrial

Ooh had goosebumps on this video, nicely done!

Also is thought-provoking.

Interesting to think about, but do not take it seriously. Happy gaming guys!

I should be raiding in a bit, but I have some project I am working on that will pay, so I have to sacrifice the game for a bit. It sucks as I have primed this weekend for some good gaming. But I shall see. More chores, have to workout as well. The real life is attacking me!!! Much worse than aliens.

05 May 2011


So I did enjoy her single I did post below.

To be honest, I thought she had a good voice, but not as powerful as we usually see in her PCD vids. When I heard the news that she was in Rent, and I saw her performance, she was SOLID. Props to her.

Now, for this video segment, she does have, for the record, a powerful voice. She might not be able to sustain very very high note as well as other divas, but she has already exceeded my expectations.

Not that it matters as everyone's already glued to her boobies. lol

04 May 2011

Knight of HOT Steel

Yes folks, Patch 4.2 is just all about the hotness... literally.

Please do check your information hub sites regarding 4.2 changes. They have loot tables, mounts, other stuff. Lots of changes this 4.2 you know it.

As for DK T12 Bonuses, based from MMO-Champ's data-mining thingo, seems like a very good bonus set. It seems that they are trying to make the system more fluid and "spammable" with the HoW buff, or they are also trying to encourage diseaseless tanking by having the 2pc Blood bonus made as that.

However, for Blood tanking, my theory would be that they are adding more threat across the board to compensate for a Rune Strike change. Based on what I have read, RS loses the high threat it gives, but they are buffing its damage. So it will all even out in the long run. In short, diseases are still there, but they will not cramp you like an arse when they're down.

I am uncomfortable with the "fire" theme. I mean come on, I have been DW Frost almost my entire life and have been lovin' the ice. Now, you want me to go hot? Because I have to? Because it still gives decent set bonuses? Just does not make sense hitting mobs mad with Howling Blast and then you see fire damage on your attacks. What are you trying to kill it with, drastic temp changes?

So, with the changes, keep on playing and:

So Little Time

So much to do.

I love that song. Classic.

Yes folks, it has been a productive start of my formal study sessions that commenced this first week of May. This will last up to October. Yes, this is HARDCORE RAIDING, in a bookworm and nerd sense. It is even worse, I do it, and will probably do it for more than five (5) days a week, eight (8) hours a day. Yes. It is no picnic. If you do have ambitions to be the best, no matter if you reach that goal, you still have to work like you are the boss.

This gamer indeed plans to be a lawyer. Ouch.

On a more related note, it will require awesome time management. I want to maintain my studies at a high level, without getting burnt out. Right now, I am still considered raiding, although I got sick last raid day, so meh. Based from how I am studying though, it seems like raiding will get in the way, so I am honestly confused as to what I have to do. Also, I have been hooked with NBA 2k11 (late I know) and it's been really so much fun and a stress reliever. AS of late, while I still enjoy WoW, it has become a pseudo job and I am not getting compensated for it, which really sucks.

So how does one solve this predicament? Simple. I just told myself that WoW is better than NBA 2k11 because you still progress in-game, and get recognized by your peers, and you genuinely feel the progression. If you have the chance to share it with other gamers why not? In a single-player game, you only have yourself to celebrate to and with, which of course is not the recommended way to... well... celebrate. /loser

SO the message is: