The MMO-Champion Scoop

19 April 2011

Holy Week Commonsense

Yes, I am a religious person. Or at least I take advantage on what is supposed to be a half-week of reflection to take a vacation from reviewing for the upcoming bar examinations. This is a good break for myself and for those at work as well.

This would entail a couple of days off. Resorts, beaches and what-have-you are fully booked, spread across the region. Urban cities transforms into a ghost town for a couple of days. Taking a well-deserved break from all the pounding from its citizens.

Naturally, this will not bode well for your normal WoW habits (Unless you have a kick ass gaming laptop that has internet access wherever you are. If you do, you suck./bitter). Personally, attempting to gear up to better serve my raid team for current content, this will have an impact for your Valor collection, farming of materials and simple practice sessions with your skill.

I would consider taking a break from the game similarly to a break from work as well. End-game raiding can indeed be a lot of work, that is why you need to insert the fun-factor or else you will burn out. Consider this a good hiatus from the game, come back refreshed, then break stuff in instances once you are back online.

There was a time I sat out a raid since I was having some latency issues. I have never been happier playing the game. Playing with real-life friends on randoms, arena or battlegrounds made me feel as if I had regained some form of control over my gaming. Raiding requires precision, with intense pressure if you are beating a standard, which I usually do meet. However, when there are times that I mess up, I take it hard. It is this competitive nature in me that I have to be the best for my team, and pick up my team when they make their mistakes. It is tough.

I always strive to get better, but it can take a toll on you. You do not have enough time to actually be what you want to be in game, not to mention one's daily struggles with their real lives. I love the challenge of juggling these around, managing my time and succeeding in it. But when internet issues arise, it frustrates me. I consider this my fault, my mistake, for letting people down. It is something out of my control, but this is just me, this is the bar I set for myself. I want to adjust to every curve ball that is thrown at me.

Most of the time it is fun, but there are times you would just want to smash that monitor. It is no one's fault, but I cannot help but think it is my own undoing.

I've gotten over that hill, and I have been better than ever. You just need a step back, to breathe. Everything will fall into place.

I am taking a break for these couple of days. These days will be for my lady, for my own reflective state. This break will be useful as I hone myself and harness both positive and negative energy to my benefit, to be better.

This step away from everything will make me better: as a person, as a lover, as a student, as a friend, as a son and as a gamer.

Everything will fall into place. I hope you do try to make the most of whatever breaks you have fellow gamers.

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