The MMO-Champion Scoop

26 April 2011

Song to start a spark and some latency advice

I heard this song from the TV Series House. Perfect for that part.

If you have any latency issues, you might have "Downloading while playing World of Warcraft" ticked on your "Downloader Preferences". At the WoW launcher, Options>Downloader Preferences. I have been repairing and resetting UIs, WTF folders and all that jazz or perhaps I did not check that one when I installed Cataclysm. I have been having some latency issues when I knew I should not be having any. There was indeed some latency issues due to the recent Japan earthquake, but my internet's fine, and primed for gaming. Thank God I checked this time. See, new everything is a good thing. Change is inevitable, accept it and adapt, which is one of humanity's best traits.

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