The MMO-Champion Scoop

27 June 2011

The Latency Experience and 4.2

It has been a while!

I have been drowning in my books, yet I am still being able to manage my raid schedule and quality time with the lady. So far, I am behind in only one book based from my schedule, which is amazing to be honest.

I am actually loving the fact that I am on my fourth book. This is odd to begin with. I am on a roll, and the momentum is getting better and I do not see any actual burnout due to the fact that I have a lot of things on my plate that keep my brain busy.

On my previous post, I did rant about not having good latency in WoW, despite my good internet. Well, I did try WOW Tunnels, and it was great. No service is perfect, but so far, I am sold with this one. I do not get the real bad spikes I used to have. I may suffer here or there, but nothing extremely drastic. This is what they are selling: the fact that your latency will be normalized. The speed comes in, but the main factor is that you are not supposed to lag out, disconnect randomly and 99% lag spike-free. In essence, if you have a crappy connection, that is your problem, but they will try to make it bearable, when under normal circumstances, it will not. I did check my logs of yesterday's raid, and my performance was already better. Still a lot to practice and perfect, but all in all, it has been great.

I am trying to get my head wrapped around the wealth of information and changes with the upcoming patch. I have to make a priority list as to which I have to tend to first. This Wednesday will already be raid time, trying out the new content, which will be fun of course. Hopefully we get a boss down (that's probably for this Sunday instead on the first night). Our leader had stacked up on materials we need, so we are actually all set!

It is a matter of what I can bring to the table. So far, I think I have enough stuff to play around with, which is fun.

So tomorrow, take a break, let the patch process do all the work for you, and anticipate those extended maintenance issues. Happy hunting and chill folks!

19 June 2011

Latency Problems

Yes. It is irritating when you suffer from such problems...

When you check your configs and everything and you discover that the slow-ass issues are not from your end.

So here I am, with a good ISP, doing its job, giving me a decent connection most of the time, and WoW is still bad with crap latency, which is not my fault of course. Oh well. The curse of living far away from the servers. :( Hopefully they get better soon enough.

Youtube stuffs

This cracked me up lol

This guys fun. At least he's earning something from his fun videos. Agents of Secret Stuff is funny. Everything seems to be pointing to me saving up money for an awesome computer rig.

Raiding later. Moar studying.

17 June 2011

Firelands 4.2

It has been mentioned in MMO-Champ that patch 4.2 will be released 28 June 2011. Keep your fingers crossed!

As for now, the trailer of patch 4.2. Cheesy, but they had to make something right?

13 June 2011

Taking your talents elsewhere will not instantly give you profit

You have to work it.

Dallas Mavericks won over the Miami Heat, in dominating fashion. Shameful really. No matter what everyone says, this was on LeBron, and he failed. Not because he really chokes in big games, simply because he's just too young to actually understand the gravity of this series. Maturity levels of persons differ and develop in different times as well.

How will this relate to the game? Well, stick with your guns, stick with group chemistry and trust with your raid team. It is not always about the best raiders, it is about trusting each other fully, and that chemistry will get the job done. Of course everyone still have to be good. I am just saying you do not need the best of the best, just unity of purpose and goal.

So I am more on the school of "exhaust everything you can with your raid team before leaving". Sometimes, you'll never know. It is a game, but it does not mean you can live it differently for life. In fact, it is a good practice ground for real life stuff. Believe you me, real life will really kick you by the balls, without any remorse.

04 June 2011

The Early Morning Rant

So I was on my home, after having a blast with friends.

It was late, and I did expect to see some light when I arrive home, however this was not the case.

I live far from where I celebrated a friend's birthday party, so upon leaving I already saw little light.

In this country, on summer time, the sun rises early, around 5:20 a.m. would sound reasonable, as compared to the "ber" months, which is significantly later.

This time around, 4:40 a.m., and there was light. WTH.

By the time I was near my place, it already seemed like 6:00 a.m. or later when it was actually an hour earlier. I really get OC and frustrated when I get home and there's already light. Irritating.

I have tons of stuff to read, a raid to participate on (which I am hoping to sit out of so I can read more) and other tasks to be fulfilled. Ugh.