The MMO-Champion Scoop

27 June 2011

The Latency Experience and 4.2

It has been a while!

I have been drowning in my books, yet I am still being able to manage my raid schedule and quality time with the lady. So far, I am behind in only one book based from my schedule, which is amazing to be honest.

I am actually loving the fact that I am on my fourth book. This is odd to begin with. I am on a roll, and the momentum is getting better and I do not see any actual burnout due to the fact that I have a lot of things on my plate that keep my brain busy.

On my previous post, I did rant about not having good latency in WoW, despite my good internet. Well, I did try WOW Tunnels, and it was great. No service is perfect, but so far, I am sold with this one. I do not get the real bad spikes I used to have. I may suffer here or there, but nothing extremely drastic. This is what they are selling: the fact that your latency will be normalized. The speed comes in, but the main factor is that you are not supposed to lag out, disconnect randomly and 99% lag spike-free. In essence, if you have a crappy connection, that is your problem, but they will try to make it bearable, when under normal circumstances, it will not. I did check my logs of yesterday's raid, and my performance was already better. Still a lot to practice and perfect, but all in all, it has been great.

I am trying to get my head wrapped around the wealth of information and changes with the upcoming patch. I have to make a priority list as to which I have to tend to first. This Wednesday will already be raid time, trying out the new content, which will be fun of course. Hopefully we get a boss down (that's probably for this Sunday instead on the first night). Our leader had stacked up on materials we need, so we are actually all set!

It is a matter of what I can bring to the table. So far, I think I have enough stuff to play around with, which is fun.

So tomorrow, take a break, let the patch process do all the work for you, and anticipate those extended maintenance issues. Happy hunting and chill folks!

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