The MMO-Champion Scoop

12 July 2011

Firelands and All that Jazz.

Firelands is epic.

Mass guild exodus.


Yes folks, so many things happening the past week, and I never felt this crappy playing the game.

That was last week though.

Bottom line is: You have to realize that there is no choice but to move on. That it is truly up to you, who has the power to shape the guild the way you want it to be (for now), to steer things toward the right direction. Whether it is very strict or not, I do not care, this is my stand on things, and I will simply have to defer at times to my loyal officers (and co-gm also). I listen to those who try to understand the matter, and those who try to make things work. I have no patience or love for those who simply stand up and go, without a word. I understand the situation, and I remember them fondly.

Professionalism is what I want to bring to the table. Follow procedure, and try to get along with everyone. There is no elite group around. It is one big community (even if I have weeded out so many toons already), and we must all get along. Most importantly, everyone should be contributing to the guild cause: To share their experiences, create friendships and opportunities, raid and pvp, and always strive for excellence and execution.


On to other news, it is quite a tragic feeling that I am beginning to be one of the game's "vets" so to speak. Looking back, I do realize that I have come a long way, but this is just ridiculous. For a person who has so much stuff going in real life, I can make time for this game. I am amazed by that thought.

Anyway, I did mention this because I have seen so many older dogs than myself leave the game or take a break. Most of them hurt me because one stopped making boss mods (DXE), and most of them authoring such great UIs (LUI and Dajova UI). There was another one but I did forget the name. Wow, if they create UIs, they are really into the game, and they really know their way around it. However, these guys are leaving, or quitting or taking a break, right after Firelands came out. I suppose it is part of the game, but as for me, I am honestly not quite sure when I will feel that. I have never been the "hardcore" type, I am more of the dedicated player, but I cannot dedicate so much time on it as well, so I have no idea.

I am mumbling about that, so it is on to another topic.


I consider myself a "techie", but in reality, I am just fail at it as well. I know "basic" stuff, but I am having this ever-growing desire to expand my knowledge on other practical applications. Nowadays, making short movies, youtube videos, anything under the sun, I consider as "essential" to one's growth. These little things must be learnt in order to survive. As my parents had told me as well, by knowing and having so much experience in almost anything, you are almost always going to land a job. Does not really say how lame your job is, but you will be useful. On anything.


I also have to create a better system on everything. It is just a random brainfart.

This is what happens when you have posted for a long time, and when you get busy for bad stuff instead of the good. At least there is no other way but up. FO SHO.

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