The MMO-Champion Scoop

24 July 2011

A Better Address to my Site IMO

Yes. It is now

I have always been wanting to have a funny site address, even a funny guild name, rather than go serious. It has so much OOMPH factor for me, when you have a semi-sarcastic name or whatnot and get it done. Serious guild names/sites are those for the really serious or old school people. It shows age and wisdom.

Nowadays, being current will take you places as well. It does not necessarily mean that you are a joke or that you suck. To me, the primary intention is to bring a smile to the reader's face, or make that reader sigh, or do a facepalm. You name it, you got it, as long as it elicits a reaction and burn through the reader's memory. We all want to be remembered, and having an impact from the get go is awesome.

Of course credibility should follow you as well. You must be able to give your readers some input, great humor or insight. Whichever the case may be. As author of this site, it is my goal to share with you the conflicts real life is posing on the gaming side of things, or vice-versa. There are so many sites about theorycrafting and all that, and the numbers can make one very frustrated. I am telling you right now, you need only to focus on certain aspects of your class, your toon and your focus on the game in order to win. This also goes for the nine or twenty four other people with your group.

I will be posting some more experiences here as well, as my outlet to the world. Things are still shaky in guild, and I wish I could do something to really make things settle down. I do not know if this will require a fresh start or not. In my opinion I did realize that you do not need a "fresh start". It is all mental.

I will be posting soon on my PvP experience just now. And man oh man, was I in for a treat. I am no PvP nut, and having a very experienced guildie in 2s really was an eye-opener and such a fun experience that it refreshed my PvP vibe. Raiding has been pretty frustrating, to my standards. I know we have so many skilled people, yet we have not found that right mix just yet. We will get there eventually.

Aside from that, there are also numerous things up for discussion. Like how to pay for certain accounts when my country does not support the debit cards around this place. Of course, this is in lieu of a credit card. I do not have a credit card because it is simply my decision not to have one, and this seems like more of an impediment than a liberating experience.

Any experiences you would like to share as well? Post a comment, let me know! We are in this together! I may not have the time to do "hardcore" raiding, but I truly believe that it is a thing of the past. I sincerely believe TWO DAYS worth of hard raiding is what one needs to win. Of course this does not apply to hardcore top-ranked guilds. They are getting sponsors and tons of freebies for it. Are we getting the same thing? NOPE. These discussions should be up soon, and I would love to read your thoughts on it as well.

The site's theme had also been changed. Just because my main is a Death Knight it does not mean it has to be dark.

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