The MMO-Champion Scoop

22 July 2011

The Hot Kill, Blizzard's Plan of Action

Congratulations to DREAM Paragon for downing Heroic Ragnaros, making them the first in the world. So far, they have been the only team that was able to manage this. I suppose grumpy old Rag is not cooling off anytime soon. This of course makes them the hottest team in WoW.

Alright, with all the heat nowadays, it is very difficult to keep cool. A lot had happened in the past few days. In my real life as well as in-game. It is indeed a frustrating feeling, attempting to mix and match both, and make them function harmoniously.

Okay, enough of that. Now into more yummy news. It was provided in MMO-Champion of the Blizzard Product Slate, and it does look promising. This had been leaked previously as well by the said site, and it does not seem as different from the first a couple of months back (I think before Cata was released), so it seems like it is credible. At least they say it is. Diablo III on the last quarter of this year? That is nuts! Some Christmas presents for kiddies... and kiddies at heart.

Based from the same Slate, it seems that WoW has a life until 2014. This is good... for them? It is never good for our pockets until they make it free. At least they still provide high quality content and keep us busy for the next month or two. Thus, it provides as a security blanket for your WoW assets and aspirations, and perhaps the resurgence of gamers that left, depending on what the next patch or expansion will provide us with.

I cannot wait for Diablo III. I have been an avid follower of the series, and this will surely take some time away from WoW. Not that I am really complaining. I have never looked for any other game as I do not have the time or the patience to relearn everything, with the exception of... well, Diablo.

In other news, there have been hotfixes and such for FL bosses and/or mechanics, which will surely make things balanced or easier. Happy hunting hot peeps.

It's hot.

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