The MMO-Champion Scoop

20 July 2011

The Mind fuuuuuu


I did not realize how much I was into online... stuff. Anything nowadays piques my interest. From documents, to gaming, to website tinkering and insert-amazing-stuff-here. I wish this new post entry had some sort of mechanism for counting characters but I am simply rambling at the moment.

Currently, the guild has been undergoing massive changes, and it has made me think about so many things. One of my concerns would be that I am actually a new manager so to speak in an old guild, which I am trying to extend its lifespan, and also making it suit our identity. However, I do think if all the effort is worth it. I do think it is, but I will never know until a couple of more days.

The problem with being handed over an existing platform, of whatever, is that you are forced to deal with certain aspects that you are not familiar with or that you could have avoided if you did start over. I do think starting over is fine, however I do not want to start over for some reason. I do feel something special about this guild, and the torch had been passed to a couple of people and it was going strong. Perhaps I am this person that will impel others to do greater things.

I highly doubt I can sustain the commitment it needs in-game. However, outside of it, I just may be of use. Now if only I can figure out the costs of everything, and how to make it self-sustaining, will be an awesome gift anyone could give.

I shall be continuing the convoluted post at a later time.

For the mean time, enjoy the game, enjoy life, enjoy time.

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